Mentorship Services
Adopting a new technology requires investment in time and energy. AdaCore experts can reduce these start-up costs through our Mentorship program, which provides help through a combination of phone calls and consulting on code development. The program is tailored for your specific needs and can be scheduled over a time period ranging from 1 to 12 months.

The vast majority of questions from AdaCore customers are answered to the front-line support bundled with each GNAT Pro product. However, in some cases, projects requires intensive expertise for specific issues such as deploying GNAT Pro, porting from a legacy compiler or customizing the real-time Ravenscar kernel to a specific board.
Learn more about how AdaCore can bring its expertise to your project »

Experience has shown that Ada is an extremely learnable language and that programmers with basic knowledge in other languages can quickly get up to speed with Ada. For programmers who already have some Ada experience, AdaCore offers advanced courses in Ada and GNAT Pro/GNAT Studio designed to help developers get the most out of the technology.

Custom Development
Our objective as a company is to make sure that Ada is available on as many platform and for as many contexts as possible. As much as possible, we develop off-the-shelf solutions for that. In some cases, our customers needs adaptations from our current products to sustain their specific needs.