The GNAT Pro product line offers a comprehensive toolset for Ada, C and C++. Different versions of the product — GNAT Pro Assurance and Enterprise — support a wide range of project sizes and needs.

Defects and Vulnerability Analysis
GNAT SAS helps developers gain a deep understanding of their code and build more reliable and secure software systems. It features an Ada source code analyzer that detects run-time and logic errors. It assesses potential bugs and vulnerabilities before program execution, serving as an automated peer reviewer, helping to find errors easily at any stage of the development life-cycle. It helps you improve the quality of your code and makes it easier for you to perform safety and/or security analysis.

GNAT Dynamic Analysis Suite
A set of powerful dynamic analysis and coverage tools for Ada, as well as the formally analyzable SPARK Ada subset. Some of its capabilities, such as structural code coverage, also support C.

SPARK Pro is a powerful language and toolset combination that brings mathematics-based confidence to software verification.
Experience has shown that Ada is an extremely learnable language and that programmers with basic knowledge in other languages can quickly get up to speed with Ada. For programmers who already have some Ada experience, AdaCore offers advanced courses in Ada and GNAT Pro/GNAT Studio designed to help developers get the most out of the technology.
On-Site Consulting
The vast majority of questions from AdaCore customers are answered by the front-line support included with each product. However, in some cases, projects requires intensive and/or on-site expertise for specific issues such as deploying GNAT Pro, porting from a legacy compiler or customizing the real-time Ravenscar kernel to a specific board.
Learn more about how AdaCore can bring its expertise to your project »
Custom Development
A major corporate objective is to make Ada available on as many platforms / targets as possible. If a customer has a specific configuration requirement that cannot be met with one of our off-the-shelf products, a customized solution may be a practical alternative.
For questions regarding custom development, please contact: info@adacore.com