Know your applications work exactly as you designed them.
It’s no secret that building safe and secure software requires a robust dynamic analysis and testing strategy. Years of helping customers build critical software systems has taught us that the most successful workflows incorporate multiple approaches to testing. In a single bundle, the GNAT Dynamic Analysis Suite provides developers with a set of powerful analysis and coverage tools for Ada.
Available as an add-on to GNAT Pro Enterprise and Assurance subscriptions, the toolsuite can be used with all versions of the Ada language standard, as well as the formally analyzable SPARK Ada subset. Some of its capabilities, such as structural code coverage, also support C.

An automated test-harness generator for Ada.
GNATtest helps automate the essential, but tedious and error-prone, processes for developing and managing the large number of test cases needed for verifying large software systems.Learn MoreA tool that analyzes and reports Ada and C program coverage.
GNATcoverage helps assess a testing campaign’s completeness by providing evidence that all of the code, even if only executed under rare conditions, has been sufficiently exercised.
Learn MoreA fuzzing tool for rising security concerns
Fuzzing is becoming increasingly important in the age of cybersecurity. This is now evident within civilian aerospace due to the increasing adoption of the DO-356A and ED-203A guidelines to ensure avionics equipment meets modern Airworthiness Security requirements.
Read the PaperFuzzing is here!
Fuzz testing (fuzzing) is a technique used to uncover coding errors and security loopholes in software systems and networks. Fuzzing is being embraced by the largest companies in the world to actively address their cybersecurity vulnerabilities and comply with security standards such as DO-356A and ED-203A.
Attain the highest levels of assurance
For avionics, rail, and space customers needing to meet specific certification requirements, the GNAT Dynamic Analysis Suite provides test and verification evidence that satisfies certification requirements for a variety of industry software safety standards
Learn more about AdaCore's tools for certification