IPESOFT: Delivering reliable, long-lived energy and industrial systems with Ada and AdaCore

IPESOFT: Delivering reliable, long-lived energy and industrial systems with Ada and AdaCore

When IPESOFT was looking to develop its core real-time D2000 industrial automation platform, it knew that choosing the right development language and software tools would be crucial to the success of the platform and the company’s overall business growth. The solution needed to be reliable, secure, high performance, and easy and efficient to maintain over the long-term. Ultimately, IPESOFT chose AdaCore’s GNAT Pro and the Ada language to develop its D2000 platform. As a result, the company has successfully completed D2000 implementations in over 2,000 successful projects and has expanded into six countries.

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IPESOFT - a leading developer of real-time management and production systems for manufacturing and energy facilities.

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To identify a reliable, scalable software programming language and development environment to produce IPESOFT’s core D2000 industrial automation platform, which is used to build longlived, real-time management and production systems.

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The Ada programming language, AdaCore’s GNAT Pro Ada development environment, and AdaCore technical support.

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Results and Benefits

Since 2002, IPESOFT has completed D2000 implementations in over 2,000 successful projects, comprising more than 23 million lines of code, and has expanded into six countries.

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