Gem #113: Visitor Pattern in Ada
Let's get started...
Imagine that you have a UML model and you want to generate code from it. A convenient approach is to have a "code generator" object, which has a set of subprograms to handle each kind of UML element (one that generates code for a class, one that generates code for an operation, etc.).
One way to implement this is by using a big series of if statements, of the form if Obj in CClass'Class then, which is rather inelegant and inefficient.
Another approach is to use discriminated types. A case statement on the discriminant is then efficient, and Ada will check that all discriminant values are covered. The problem is that then you would need to use case statements for all clients of the types in your application. Here, we prefer to use tagged types, to take advantage of Ada's OOP capabilities, so the case statement cannot be used.
Let's consider a specific example. Again, taking the UML example, assume we have the following types. These are only very roughly similar to the actual UML metamodel, but will be sufficient for our purposes. In practice, these types would be automatically generated from the description of the UML metamodel.
type NamedElement is tagged private; type CClass is new NamedElement with private; type PPackage is new NamedElement with private;
In addition, a visitor class is declared, which will be overridden by the user code, for instance, to provide a code generator, a model checker, and so on:
type Visitor is abstract tagged null record; procedure Visit_NamedElement (Self : in out Visitor; Obj : NamedElement'Class) is null; -- No parent type, do nothing procedure Visit_CClass (Self : in out Visitor; Obj : CClass'Class) is begin -- In UML, a "Class" inherits from a "NamedElement". -- Concrete implementations of the visitor might want to work at the -- "NamedElement" level (so that their code applies to both a Class -- and a Package, for instance), rather than duplicate the work for each -- child of NamedElement. The default implementation here is to call the -- parent type's operation. Self.Visit_NamedElement (Obj); end Visit_Class; procedure Visit_PPackage (Self : in out Visitor; Obj : PPackage'Class) is begin Self.Visit_NamedElement (Obj); end Visit_PPackage;
We then need to add one primitive Visit operation to each of the types created from the UML metamodel:
procedure Visit (Self : NamedElement; V : in out Visitor'Class) is begin -- First dispatching was on "Self" (done by the compiler). -- Second dispatching is simulated here by calling the right -- primitive operation of V. V.Visit_NamedElement (Self); end Visit; overriding procedure Visit (Self : CClass; V : in out Visitor'Class) is begin V.Visit_CClass (Self); end Visit; overriding procedure Visit (Self : PPackage; V : in out Visitor'Class) is begin V.Visit_PPackage (Self); end Visit;
All of the code described above is completely systematic, and as such could and should be generated automatically as much as possible. The "Visit" primitive operations should never be overridden in user code in the usual case. On the other hand, the "Visit_..." primitives of the visitor itself should be overridden when it makes sense. The default implementation is provided just so the user has the choice at which level do to the overriding.
Now let's see what a code generator would look like. We'll assume that we are only interested, initially, in doing code generation for classes. Other types of elements (such as operations) will call the default implementation for their visitor (Visit_Operation, for instance), which then calls the visitor for its parent (Visit_NamedElement) and so on, until we end up calling a Visit operation with a null body. So nothing happens for those, and we don't need to deal with them explicitly.
The code would be something like the following:
type CodeGen is new Visitor with private; overriding procedure Visit_CClass (Self : in out Codegen; Obj : CClass'Class) is begin ...; -- Do some code generation end Visit_CClass; procedure Main is Gen : CodeGen; begin for Element in All_Model_Elements loop -- Pseudo code Element.Visit (Gen); -- Double dispatching end loop; end Main;
If we wanted to do model checking, we would create a type Model_Checker, derived from Visitor, that overrides some of the Visit_* operations. The body of Main would not change, except for the type of Gen.
When using this in practice, there are a few issues to resolve. For instance, the UML types need access to the Visitor type (because it appears as a parameter in their operations). But a visitor also needs to see the UML types for the same reason. One possibility is to put all the types in the same package. Another is to use "limited with" to give visibility on access types, and then pass an access to Visitor'Class as a parameter to Visit.
Here is a full example. This example must be compiled with the "-gnat05" switch since it uses Ada 2005 features such as the limited with clause and prefixed call notation.
with UML; use UML; with Visitors; use Visitors; with Ada.Text_IO; use Ada.Text_IO; procedure Main is type Code_Generator is new Visitor with null record; overriding procedure Visit_CClass (Self : in out Code_Generator; Obj : in out CClass'Class) is begin Put_Line ("Visiting CClass"); end Visit_CClass; Tmp1 : NamedElement; Tmp2 : CClass; Tmp3 : PPackage; Gen : aliased Code_Generator; begin Tmp1.Visit (Gen'Access); -- No output Tmp2.Visit (Gen'Access); -- Outputs "Visiting CClass" Tmp3.Visit (Gen'Access); -- No output end Main; limited with Visitors; package UML is type NamedElement is tagged null record; procedure Visit (Self : in out NamedElement; The_Visitor : access Visitors.Visitor'Class); type CClass is new NamedElement with null record; overriding procedure Visit (Self : in out CClass; The_Visitor : access Visitors.Visitor'Class); type PPackage is new NamedElement with null record; overriding procedure Visit (Self : in out PPackage; The_Visitor : access Visitors.Visitor'Class); end UML; with Visitors; use Visitors; package body UML is procedure Visit (Self : in out NamedElement; The_Visitor : access Visitors.Visitor'Class) is begin The_Visitor.Visit_NamedElement (Self); end Visit; overriding procedure Visit (Self : in out CClass; The_Visitor : access Visitors.Visitor'Class) is begin The_Visitor.Visit_CClass (Self); end Visit; overriding procedure Visit (Self : in out PPackage; The_Visitor : access Visitors.Visitor'Class) is begin The_Visitor.Visit_PPackage (Self); end Visit; end UML; with UML; use UML; package Visitors is type Visitor is abstract tagged null record; procedure Visit_NamedElement (Self : in out Visitor; Obj : in out NamedElement'Class); procedure Visit_CClass (Self : in out Visitor; Obj : in out CClass'Class); procedure Visit_PPackage (Self : in out Visitor; Obj : in out PPackage'Class); end Visitors; package body Visitors is procedure Visit_NamedElement (Self : in out Visitor; Obj : in out NamedElement'Class) is begin null; end Visit_NamedElement; procedure Visit_CClass (Self : in out Visitor; Obj : in out CClass'Class) is begin Self.Visit_NamedElement (Obj); end Visit_CClass; procedure Visit_PPackage (Self : in out Visitor; Obj : in out PPackage'Class) is begin Self.Visit_NamedElement (Obj); end Visit_PPackage; end Visitors;